Registered Animal Technologists (RAnTech)
The Register of Animal Technologists was established in 1985 to promote professionalism in laboratory animal care and enhance standards of animal welfare.
The Register of Animal Technologists demonstrates to the public, to employers and to the regulatory authorities the high ethical standards and qualification of career animal technologists. Individuals are included on the Register who by qualification, experience and personal conduct are considered suitable to promote a culture of care and hold posts of great responsibility in laboratory animal facilities.

The Register
For inclusion on the Register applicants must hold, by examination, the Membership or Fellowship Diploma of the Institute of Animal Technology or equivalent. In addition they must have a minimum of five years relevant experience, including two years post qualification experience.
Suitable applicants will be asked to attend for interview to demonstrate that they understand the legal and moral responsibilities placed on being a Member of the Register.
Registered Animal Technicians, may be identified by the designatory letters "RAnTech".
The Register is a highly regarded organisation offering immense benefits to its membership:
Career Enhancement
Elevated status
Eligibility for the annual AAALAC Fellowship
A high quality certificate confirming your Registered status
Professional advice and guidance
Access to restricted roles
The privilege of using the designatory letters RAnTech after your name
Additional benefits include the support of technical expertise within the Register and being kept up to date with information pertaining to your profession.
Continual Professional Development
CPD is the personal obligation of all Registered Animal Technologists.
CPD aims to raise professional standards by demonstrating that Registered Animal Technologists are constantly seeking to improve performance and that investment in learning is an essential part of that commitment
Used appropriately, CPD will provide the RAnTech with knowledge and skills that should be put into practice. Activities should be relevant and current to laboratory animal science, technology and management