Named Animal Care & Welfare Officers
Promoting a professional understanding and responsible attitute towards the care and welfare of laboratory animals through training, qualification and experience.
A very high percentage of Named Animal Care and Welfare Officers (NACWO) are members of the IAT. The Institutes' Register or Animal Technologists is, in most instances, referred to when identifying individuals of suitable quality and status to fulfil posts of responsibility in laboratory animal facilities.

About NACWO's
It is our belief that persons named as NACWO within the requirements of the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986, should be appointed from the list of Registered Animal Technologists.
By adopting such a policy establishments using or breeding animals for biomedical research would demonstrate to all that they take matters of animal welfare seriously and that the interests of the animals are properly served.

NACWO Courses
The Institute is a Home Office recognised Accredited Body for Introductory NACWO Courses.
The Registration & Accreditation Board assesses and accredits Introductory NACWO Courses as required by the Home Office.

Accredited Bodies
Visit our Accredited Bodies' websites for more information on the courses they offer.
Visit our website for dates of upcoming NACWO Introductory Courses. We also offer Home Office Module courses including Farm Animal and Fish courses.
Learning Curve (Development) Ltd
Visit our website for details and dates of upcoming NACWO Courses, Home Office Module courses and EU Directive workshops
Visit our website for dates of upcoming NACWO Introductory Courses and other services we offer, including Home Office licensee training modules and licensee refresher courses.
Visit our website for details, dates and application forms for our accredited NACWO Courses.