IAT Members Website
An area for information specifically for IAT Members.
Some of the documents and information located on this area contain sensitive and restricted information. Please treat these documents as confidential. You will be required to Sign Up and Login for access to some areas.

IAT Council
The IAT Council is responsible for managing the business of the Institute. Council is made up of a maximum of 24 Fellows and Members of the Institute.
Each year a minimum of eight places, or one third of Council, are subject to election by the voting membership
IAT Branches
There are 16 regional branches of the IAT. Branches organise educational and social events for the members within their region.
Technologist Exchange
Providing a network for learning, communication and work experience for Animal Technologists.
In order to provide Animal Technologists with opportunities to develop strong networks, learn about different facilities and programmes of work, share best practice and gain valuable Continuing Professional Development, the Institute of Animal Technology are keen to promote an Animal Technologist exchange programme.